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About Us

The Royan International Festival: A Legacy of Scientific Excellence and Collaboration

The Royan International Festival was established in 2000 by the late Dr. Saeed Kazemi Ashtiani, the former president of the Royan Institute, with the primary goal of encouraging researchers. Dr. Kazemi, a visionary leader, believed in fostering collaboration among scientists and, through the founding of this festival, sought to inspire them to intensify their efforts in scientific research.
Over the first two decades of the festival, both the scientific quality and the number of submitted papers steadily increased, enhancing the prestige and impact of this international event. Research proposals are rigorously evaluated by a distinguished panel of both national and international judges. Over the years, exceptional research, which has made significant contributions to solving challenges in reproductive sciences and stem cell research, has been selected and honored through this process.
Each year, five outstanding research projects in the fields of reproductive sciences, biology, stem cell technology, and related disciplines are awarded. To receive their prizes, winners must attend the award ceremony. Each recipient is presented with a certificate of recognition, a Royan Festival statuette, and a cash prize of $5,000 or its equivalent in non-monetary awards.
Winners are also invited to present their research at the associated congress, which takes place alongside the award ceremony. Participation in the congress is mandatory for all prize recipients.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Royan International Festival was temporarily suspended in 2020 and 2021.
Beyond scientific boundaries, the Royan Institute places great emphasis on fostering and strengthening friendly and humanistic relationships among scientists dedicated to advancing human health. Through the exchange of invaluable knowledge and years of experience, the institute has built strong, collaborative ties with research centers worldwide. This exchange serves as the foundation for continued international scientific cooperation. It is hoped that these efforts will not only alleviate human suffering but also contribute to a world of peace and tranquility, reducing global crises.

The Selection Process for Royan Festival Winners

In the first seven editions of the Royan International Festival, five international winners were selected, with cash prizes of $10,000, $8,000, $6,000, $5,000, and $3,000 awarded to the top winners. As comparing research across diverse fields proved challenging and identifying the best research project among the variety of methodologies, implementations, and outcomes became nearly impossible, the festival organizers introduced specific awards for research in certain fields starting with the eighth edition. These fields include: female infertility, epidemiology, ethics, andrology, embryology, fertility imaging, reproductive genetics, stem cell biology and technology, regenerative medicine, and biotechnology. Each of these winners receives a cash prize of $5,000.

Submitted research proposals are categorized into nine scientific fields: female infertility, reproductive genetics, epidemiology, ethics, embryology, andrology, imaging, stem cell biology and technology, and biotechnology. Each paper is ranked according to its relevance to the festival’s themes, its impact, and its innovation. After categorizing the papers, each scientific group selects its nominees and submits their research for evaluation by both national and international judges.

Each judge is assigned a maximum of five research papers in their area of expertise and evaluates them qualitatively using a Likert scale based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the festival’s themes
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Methodology and research design
  • Problem-solving capacity
  • Applicability to human health

The papers are then assessed by the panel of judges, and their decisions are subsequently confirmed by the scientific council of the Royan Institute.

Finally, both international and national winners are invited to present their research at the Royan International Congress, held annually in mid-September. During this event, winners are presented with their awards in a ceremony that celebrates their significant scientific contributions.

Note: Winners of the festival are not eligible for selection in the following three editions of the festival.

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